Some of the customers I am working for have an extremely crappy office environment. On the other hand the office we work in at LINEAS are rather nice. This contrast makes me realize how big a difference a decent work environment is. After all: how important can you and your work be, if you don't even get a descent space to do your work. So if you are a boss who likes to treat the employees well, here is a list of ideas for you. If you are an employee in a crappy office space you can at least start dreaming.

  • A good chair. No the best chair money can buy. The spine is one of the weak points of the human anatomy. And we software developers are treating it extra rough. Even extremely expensive chairs pay themselves once they prevent a couple of days sicktime of because of back problems. And these sick day come in batches of weeks or months.
  • A table that can be adjusted in height so you can switch between standing and sitting position.
  • Extra quiet computers
  • 3 big or2 extremely big screens. Most of the time I work with two pretty normal screens (effectively 2980 x 1024 pixel) , but if I am forced to move to something smaller I notice the loss immediatly. So I think an effective  resolution of  4000 x 1500 should be pretty nice.
  • Huge white board, actually I would like a double white board that allows to move one whiteboard way up, and write on the other one. Just like the blackboards at the university.
  • Nice Bookshelf, 1 meter wide, floor to ceiling filled with books, I'll compile the list of books later.
  • Colleagues, two or three of the smart sort, for lively discussion about technical problems and the last 'Dr. House' or TED video.
  • Window with nice scenery to the left from my place. Facing north, so no direct sun light.
  • Coffee machine and printer on the other side of the (not to large building). Does walking there count as exercise? At least it will keep me from drinking 2 liters of coffee a day.
  • A corner in the office should be separated a little by some plants. There I would a have a comfy chair and a stereo with head phone. It shouldn't be to far from the book shelf.
  • A phone with headset. Allows for working on the phone and on the computer at the same time

What did I miss? What should your office look like?


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